“Marie” Promotes

Gee Whiz Workshops


    This is the last week of the Adobe EdEx Character Animator class I’m taking. It’s been an interesting 5 weeks, but, while the animations are funny, creating the characters can get tedious at times. Nonetheless, I have gotten some good promos for SCAA’s summer class session and workshops. This one is what I turned in for my week 3 assignment. It still needs some eye blinks, but I’m having trouble accomplishing that after all the other things I added. Whoops! Never admit defeat — just delay ;-)

    Yup, I’m still promoting my Summer Saturday Gee Whiz workshops. I’d like full classes. I’m so excited to be doing science again. I hadn’t realized how mush I’d missed it. The supplies are mostly here now, so I can start to put the individual student packets together. Yesterday, I was outside sorting the UV beads into separate colors (it can’t be done indoors). I’d forgotten how sensitive these beads are to UV light - even in the shade, the colors were easy to distinguish. They’re even more color intense in full sunlight.

    You can view and/or download the brochure for our summer session at http://www.stclairart.org/classes/. We’ve got a full schedule of opportunities for anyone who likes to learn. Hope to see you there!!!

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All material and images © Marie Rediess, cREEations Photography & Design, Algonac, Mi.

No reproduction allowed without specific written permission.